Blog VII

Annotating articles and passages is something I have been working to perfect since middle school. However, with the additional information I learned this year about the concept, I have a better understanding of what to look out for and make note of when reading text.

“Necessary Edges” Background & Information

  1. SURROUNDING CONTEXT: “Necessary Edges” was written by the cellist and songwriter, Yo-yo Ma. His career as a cellist has prompted traveling and experience of cultures all over the world. The article was published in January, 2014 on an online news site called, World Post.
  2. CIRCUMSTANTIAL CONTEXT: I read “Necessary Edges” for the class assignment, and to accumulate knowledge about the article and its author to access in the future when writing the second essay for English 110.
  3. INTENTIONAL CONTEXT: The scope of this article is Yo-yo Ma’s cellist career. The essay, overall is persuading readers that art must be further incorporated in the school-systems to produce more well-rounded individuals.

Glossing the Text Notes:

  1. Interdependent: (of two or more people or things) dependent on each other
  2. Equilibrium: a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced
  3. Bandwidth: the energy or mental capacity required to deal with a situation

One thought on “Blog VII”

  1. This looks great. Keep up the amazing work. I’m glad you looked up the definition of Equilibrium. It’s an important term and rewarding to explore.

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